If you don't fail, you're not even trying.” by Denzel Washington

Thursday 28 November 2013

Differences between "and" & "as well as"

之前一直沒有深究連接詞"and"和"as well as"的差別,只是好像會在指稱兩個事物的時候互用,但指稱超過兩個以上的事物時,就會多用"and",今天拜訪了google大神,用法大概可以這麼區分:
  • "and"和"as well as"雖然都可當作連接詞用,但用法在意義上是有些差別的:
    • He is wise and humorous. (wise與humorous同等重要) 
    • He is wise as well as humorous. (強調wise多於humorous)
  • "and"可以用來指稱三個以上的事物,但"as well as"通常不會單獨用來指稱三個以上的事物;若要用"as well as"指稱三個以上的事物,多會與"and"併用,但意義上也會和單獨使用"and"不同:
    • He is wise, kind, and humorous. (wise、kind、humorous同等重要)
    • He is wise and kind as well as humorous. (強調wise和kind/同等重要;humorous較次要)
    • He is wise as well as kind and humorous. (強調wise多於kind和humorous)

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